Office No: 314, 3rd Floor, Capital Business Center F-10 Markaz, Islamabad

Work Hours
Monday to Friday: 9AM - 6PM

Translation Services | Travel Insurance 

Remove language barriers while protecting your trip

Leave the language and protection to us: Translation and Insurance for a seamless travel experience

Translation Services

Touristic Pvt Ltd. provides certified translations for a variety of international languages, including Italian, French, Spanish, German, Chinese, Arabic, and English. Our services are available both in Pakistan and abroad and we are able to translate documents from English and Urdu, and vice versa. Our services include, but are not limited to, translations of marriage certificates, affidavits, FIRs, birth certificates, Bforms, NADRA identity cards, court rulings, court orders, court pleas, employment contracts, incumbency certificates, real estate convene deeds, property title documents, powers of attorney, and warrants.

At Touristic Pvt Ltd, we understand the importance of protecting our clients sensitive information and have implemented a robust security system to ensure its confidentiality. We take great care to ensure the safety and privacy of all our clients data.

Travel Insurance

When planning a trip, it’s essential to protect yourself and your loved ones from potential unforeseen incidents that may occur while traveling. That’s why Touristic offers comprehensive Travel Insurance options to cover medical expenses, trip cancellations, lost or stolen luggage, flight accidents, and other losses incurred while traveling. Our insurance plans are designed to provide peace of mind and protection no matter where your travels take you.

We understand that every traveler has different needs, which is why we offer a variety of options that can be customized to fit your budget and level of protection. Our Travel Insurance plans are provided by reputable and approved insurance companies such as Atlas Health Insurance and Adamjee Life Insurance. As an authorized seller of these companies, we can offer you the best coverage for your travel needs. Whether you’re traveling for business or leisure, we have a plan that will fit your needs and provide you with 24-hour protection worldwide. With Touristic, you can travel with confidence knowing that you are protected against any unexpected events.

authorized seller of major approved insurance companies.

Atlas Insurance
Adamjee Life
Coverage includes
  • Emergency Medical and Dental Expenses
  • Accidental Death & Permanent Disability
  • Repatriation of Mortal Remains
  • Loss of Passport, Baggage and Personal Accident
No aggregate limit for family coverage
  • 100% medical reimbursement for all payable claims for each member under the Family Plan.
Multiple trip coverage
  • Multiple trip coverage with options of 6 months, 1 year and 2 years with up to 92 days maximum for single trip
Family plan coverage
  •  Husband, wife
  • 4 children up to 18 years,
  • Parents or accompany of the Insured person permanently residing with the Insured.
Gold Products
  • Standard and Gold products are approved by Schengen States
Age limit
  • Age limit for coverage (other than Hajj, Umrah & Ziarat) is up to 85 years

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